Ahh... this weekend is finally a chance to really stay around Florence... even if it is not that relaxing due to the amount of studying and work I have to do for midterms.. but it is nice to take a little break from all that constant travel. I was talking to friends this week about how excited we were to actually sleep in. It seems like once we came abroad we forgot how to sleep. I literally don't think I have slept more than 6 hours since I have been in Europe. We don't even sleep in on the weekend because we have so much ground to cover in the cities were in for a whopping 3 days. We were laughing about how in Spokaloo we would literally go to bed late, but not roll our of bed until 11/1130 to head to Cog Bruch... but as we were talking about it we all realized how much we miss Cog Brunch... and then we realized how much we miss Gonzaga's Gym... or Spokes for that matter. I for one have seemed to have a rough adjustment to the European lifestyle. I knew I was a homebody goign into this adventure... and through it, although it has been so fun, I have realized I can't wait to be home. There are so many things I miss about home... I thought I would share some of the randoms... (But don't get me wrong, Europe is this adventure that I need to take... when else will I get the chance to do this... I guess I can survive 6 more months without constant starbucks)
1) Chai Lattes: I never realized until I got to Italy where they dont believe in starbucks or coffee bigger than a shot for that matter that I was truly fueled by starbucks iced grande nonfat chai lattes. I basically lived off of them in the Spo and for those early morning shifts at the hotel. I am so sick of cola light as my form of caffine.. I just want chaiiii. Starbucks never tasted better than in Paris.. even thought that quite possibly was one of the worst Chai lattes I ever had... I literally can't wait till I can get in my car and drive through starbucks or caffe... and till i get back to the creepy baristas at the Gonzaga starbucks where they have memorized my order.

2) DRIVING: ahh Europe is not a place for driving. The people are out of control. I mean the roads were made when horses were the main form of transportation so obviously driving is not too fabulous... but i miss just hoping in my car with my sister and driving. We sometimes just need to get out of the house so we beeline to the car and head to anywhere... and drive... literally just vent... our favorite drives are bully runs (magnolia bolevard is so clutch) where we circle the drive till were mentally able to make it home... miss ya rinnnn
3) TARGET: hahah one of our favorite places to drive to and the best place ever to buy clothes.. cutttte clothes for fabulous prices... and nothing beats 5 dollar movies.
4) nikos: enough of this kebab crap and sketchy meat... i want a CHICKEN gyro meat salad asap.
5) the gym: get me to a place that understands why americans like to work out... i am a terrible runner... even more so when im getting stared at like I have a third head.
6) POODISE: my favorite family member (haha just kidding i gueeeeeessss) but no really who would not miss the cutest fur ball I know... i need my reggie fix asap.
7) my cell phone: hehe i miss texting and calling people... on that note i really miss the same time zone situation...
8) stable internet: is that too much to ask... and my dvr asap... im need to get over technology.
but no really Europe is such a fabulous experience for me to push myself... its nice to get out of my comfort zone and have to live without some things... I know this is such a cool experience and I'm going to try and see as much as I can. Starting next weekend it is go go go till the ened of the semester.. where is time going... Its CROATIA, then BARCELONA, then ROME, then NICE/CANNES/AIXENPROVENCE, then LONDON, then MUNICH... and then the fam arrives... yay... my only request is that my favorite furball comes too.. i hear pets fly cheap...
Music Guide: "Hurry Home" by Jason Michael Carroll